About Onalaska High School
Welcome to Onalaska High School, home of the Loggers!
Onalaska High School serves approximately 250 students, offering a vast variety of classes. In addition to core curriculum, elective classes include horticulture, digital arts, band, choir, cuisine, and many more. In fact, there are aquaculture classes that have students raise and care for salmon and trout in a one-of-a-kind, on-campus hatchery. The fish are later released in a local lake for sportsmen to take advantage of. All of our classes designed to ensure students learn skills that will help them become successful in the 21st Century job market.
OHS also has several extra-curricular activities for students. These include football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, cross-country, track & field, softball and baseball. Some non-athletic activities are knowledge bowl, band, choir, GSA club, science club, and EA Sports.
Onalaska High School also offers an on-line only school called the Axe Virtual Academy, (AVA), as an option for students who need a different approach to their education. You can get more information about AVA here.
The mission of the Onalaska School District is:
"To prepare our students for their future by encouraging confidence, a passion for learning and a sense of community."
Street Address:
540 Carlisle Avenue
Onalaska, WA 98570
Main phone: 360-978-4111
Attendance line: 360-978-4111
Bell Schedule
Principal: Mr. Wade Pilloud
School start time: 8:15 am
Dismissal time: 3:15 pm